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Image by Olga Thelavart

Leela the Game of Life

The most ancient game of self-knowledge, Leela, is a gift for every human being on their path on Earth.

Leela is an ancient game of Self Knowledge; also known as a transformational tool to receive divine guidance to the answers that you seek in Life. Leela's author is unknown, many sources say that it has originated in Ancient India, from Sanskrit Leela means “Game”, the Game of Life.

It is a deep, mind blowing, self discovery game in Divine Connection with the Wisdom of Cosmic Consciousness.

Prepare for a Profound, Life Changing Journey!  


Leela teaches us to embrace every moment with an open heart. It helps us to reach into the depths of our wisdom, to answer all kinds of questions. It is a Transformational Game of Life & I am absolutely in Love with Leela! 

The Benefits of Playing Leela Game are endless, here are a few: 

  • Connects to your Soul Purpose in this lifetime

  • Encourages deep self reflection & eye opening process

  • Helps to realize true desires, destroys prevailing stereotypes, enlightens the mind, expands consciousness

  • Guides you to Find the Answers that you seek

  • Enhances Self-Awareness & Quality of your life

  • Guides to resolve internal conflicts & promotes inner strength & balance

  • Connects to your Authentic Self & Spirit, inspires you

  • Divinely guided Compass at your Crossroads 

  • Activates a more positive outlook on Life, clear vision

  • Encourages profound Changes to Align to Your Soul

  • Increases self confidence & motivates to take positive actions towards yourself and others - gives you the key to a more harmonious life

  • Can Save you Months of Therapy! ✨ Yes, it is that deep!

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🌠Whether you are seeking guidance for your personal life, relationships, life & soul purpose, career or other aspects of your life, Leela Game will guide you! Leela has the divine key of wisdom. All you have to do is to be Open to be Very Open in the game.

🌠You will receive a divine answer on how to move forward in your life with clear vision, action plan & new level of self knowledge. Prepare for a mind blowing, breakthrough journey! 


More about the Game


The ancient yogis, after exploring the maze of human mind, identified 72 initial states of a human being and our consciousness, and these states correspond to the squares of the game. Therefore, Leela has 72 squares reflecting our inner states as humans. The inner states that we all experience in our lives. Remember that squares are neutral, no negative squares; all squares are important!

On Leela field we have arrows and snakes. Arrows are benefactors that take you up. Show them the arrows and show how to move up the arrow to the very top of it. Snakes are flaws that will take you down, from the head to the end it’s tail, show them how to go down using one of the snakes. Remember that all squares are neutral, and it is ok to move down as the snake is taking you to gain more insights, look & reflect deeper. The arrows and snakes are navigators of the field, to guide & help you to gain the right knowledge; trust the process!

To enter the game, it is necessary to formulate your question, situation or request that you want to get guidance for though the game today. Your questions can be different, and situations of course may vary. Go deep within to formulate your question. You will know if your question is in alignment with your Highest Self is when you get the 6 on the dice. The six will let you into the game and the journey will begin. It may take some time to get the 6, you might be asked to paraphrase or add more details to your questions or maybe even ask a different question, trust yourself & your soul and please be patient. Once you asked the right question – you will get the 6 & enter the game. We play until you exist the game with your Divine Guidance! The game must be completed. 

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In the midst of the game, you might feel that something extraordinary occurs, the magic happens: the individual's initial intention, whether it be a problem, worry, or unsolvable situation, gradually unravels into layers and specifics. As the player interacts with the Leela board, they are guided towards their own insights and deep understanding. Each small revelation contributes to a broader understanding, which in turn brings Clarity to the original intention

The game might return you to fundamental questions, the answers to which unfold in the process of learning about life :


Ultimately, the individual undergoes a profound Transformation, reaching a heightened state of Awareness where all answers are revealed, and the once complex situation becomes comprehensible and transparent. 

History of the Game: 

The origins of the game began hundreds of years ago and recently has been growing around the world and becoming more and more popular. The initial author of the game is unknown as Leela boards were found in many cultures dated from centuries back. 

According to Wikipedia, -“Leela is a board game with origins in ancient India. The original game was created by Hindu scholars with the intention of teaching moral values and was a precursor to the modern game snakes and ladders. The game was designed over two thousand years ago.”

There are numerous opinions of where the game has originated. What is important to understand that this divine knowledge came though a divine channel, the name of the initial author is unknown and not important – as Harish says in his book. The exact time and location of the origin of the game is unknown, but it is estimated to be more that 2,000 years old at least. Some researchers believe it is about 5,000 years old.

The modern Indian version of Leela was first described by a connoisseur and the custodian of the Indian tradition, Harish Johari, in 1975 in his book, “Leela of Self Knowledge”. The playing field has 72 cells or squares. Harish Johari's book & comments were published in Sanskrit, and then in English and other languages. The language represented on Leela game field is Sanskrit. This is the field that you see here today. Harish calls the game as the universal play of cosmic energy, the divine play that is present in the nature of the Highest Self. Leela is life itself, the map of life with the goal of ultimate internal realization, your path to enlightenment, your true authentic nature. The game changes & transforms over time, the game is alive.

Jain Version –one of the most ancient versions that is dated in 1735, was found in Rajasthan, almost 2,000 years ago. There were 84 cells with three additional cells. The Muslim (Sufi) version was discovered in the late 17th century. First mention of a similar game goes back to 15th century in Italy. 

Currently there are about 50 versions of this game boards kept in history museums and private collections around the world. There is a Sufi version, Buddhist, Jain, Hindu, Muslim and others.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the game lost popularity in India. As has happened with many things, knowledge and traditions, who appeared in the East and then ended up in the West, Leela came to Europe only in 1882. It was brought to England and became very popular. Initially, the game was played by adults, and in 1890 it was adapted for children in the form of the game Snakes & Ladders. Today, Leela is being played all over the World. 

Leela is not a religious game, it is a game of Divine Wisdom of Universal Creation! 

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Leela Game price exchange: 

🌠 One on One game  - $355 per person 

🌠 Semi private game  - $277 per player 

🌠 Small Group game (up to 5 players) - $222 per player 

In person games and virtual on Zoom - options available. Worldwide! I guide in English & Russian languages.

Prepare for a mind blowing, deep, transformative experience that will enormously enhance your life!  


✔️The game may take several hours or much longer! Once you enter the game it is very important to finish it, so please book a day off to play Leela until you reach your Highest Consciousness and Gain your Answer. This will change your Life for the Best outcome and for the Highest of Good for YOU!

The game ends only when the player has fully reached the essence of karmic forces and attained Cosmic Consciousness.

Are you ready to play? 

Please contact me to schedule your game, private group or one on one ! I cannot' wait to Play with You! 

We can play indoors, outdoors (weather permitting) & on Zoom. It will be beyond Incredible. Just trust me. 

Check my Instagram page for upcoming games @LAYLA.MOONSOUL

With Love & Light & all for the Highest of Good! 

Your Certified Leela Guide, 

Layla Moon


*All prices are in Canadian funds and do not include HST

I accept payment by cash, e-transfer or PayPal



“I don’t need to know you to Feel you!”


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