" Create a peaceful and harmonious vibration throughout your home or business with spiritual energetic house clearing and blessings!"
House/Office Clearing and Blessings
Have you ever felt uncomfortable in part of your home or business? Have you recently purchased a home, or business land and something is not quite right? Do you want to remove the energy imprint from the previous owners before you move in? Are you or your children seeing things in your home that make you feel uncomfortable? Is your house not selling?
Energy can be felt and is often referred to as a vibe or atmosphere. Everything in the universe consists of energy. In the physical world, we are surrounded by energies of all sorts all the time. These forces are present even when not visible to the eye. Home clearings and blessings will release negative energy from your living space.
By removing unwanted and unintended energy from your space, you create mental and emotional balance. A mental state of well-being, lightness, and clarity follows. Thus allowing a home or business to feel much more peaceful and calm.
When should you spiritually clear and bless your space?
When you don't feel like yourself
When you first move into a new home
When opening a new place of business
If you feel that there is a “presence” in your home or business
If you have sensed a room in your own home just doesn’t feel the same as the rest of the house, causing you to avoid it.
After a long illness, or periodically during a chronic illness.
If you are just not feeling "settled" or "comfortable" in the space
If you've been having a lot of hard luck
During transitional periods in your life
After a death, divorce or relationship change.
To help sell or rent real estate
When you wish to open the door to new opportunities
A string of bad luck
Flying objects within your space
Hearing voices and no one is visibly there
Smell weird odors
Have the sensation of being touched – especially at night
Have an infestation of ants or wasps
Hear objects falling/crashing at night
Appliance and machines breaking down at the same time
Seen a ghost?
Experiencing electrical disturbances?

Once a Space Clearing & Blessing is complete:
The energy in your home or office or other location shifts significantly, the vibration raises, and the area in general feels harmonious and wonderful.
Your home or office feels calmer, more comfortable, and more joyful.
Those living or working within the space are often more compatible, calmer, happier and more productive.
The area is blessed and infused with tremendous amounts of positive energy.
A strong protective energy is placed around the area.
If the home is being cleared and blessed in preparation for sale, the property will likely sell very quickly after the clearing.
The investment of time runs between 1.5 to 2.5 hours for cleansing and blessings.
Home clearing pricing
Homes 1500 sq. ft. and under – $200
1501 – 2499 sq. ft. – $300
2500 – 4000 sq. ft. – $350
4001 – 6000 sq. ft. – $400
*Available within the Greater Toronto Area and surrounding regions. Travel fees will apply if location is more than 35 km from Vaughan, Ontario.
Please contact me for more information or to schedule your appointment.
*All prices are in Canadian funds and do not include HST
I accept payment by cash, e-transfer or PayPal